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Writer's picture: Team AvenoirTeam Avenoir

Updated: Aug 5, 2024

Hey trailblazer, I'm here to guide you in earning the Flow Elements and Resources Specialist badge, which is part of the Process Automation Specialist Superbadge. First, you must pass the Flow Optimization Superbadge Unit in order to achieve this badge. I will be helpful in figuring out each challenge and how to clear it.

This blog consists of all three challenges of flow optimization include

  • Make updates to Staff Recommendation flow,

  • Make updates to Book Order Count flow

  • Make updates to Create QA Task for Book Order flow.

Every challenge has an outcome and hints at how to achieve it. It also consists of solving these errors, ”Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The loop in the ‘Book Order Count' flow is not optimized for processing record updates.” and “Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The 'Book Order' flow is not scheduling tasks in the appropriate book order. Make sure that the flow is configured correctly.”

Challenge 1: Make updates to Staff Recommendation flow

Make updates to the “Staff Recommendation” flow to reduce complexity and increase efficiency.

1. To remove the Decision element you will need a Collection Filter. The new element should filter the reader’s favorite genre to a collection and then output only the items that meet the criteria.

Enter in collections: {!Get_Recommended_Books}

In condition: Genre__c Equals {!$Record.Favorite_Genre__c}

2. If the Favorite Genre field on the Contact record is blank, the flow shouldn’t run at all.

Enter condition in start element: Favorite_Genre__c Is Null {!$GlobalConstant.False}

Challenge 2: Make updates to Book Order Count flow

Make updates to the “Book Order Count” flow according to the requirements.

1. To counts the total number of books a reader has preordered using the flow variable varUpdatePreorderedCount. Create a formula variable with formula IF ({!BookLineItems.Preordered__c},{!BookLineItems.Quantity__c},0)

2. Flow updates the Preordered Book Count field on the Contact object with the all-time total number of preordered books.

In Assignment element: {!varUpdatePreorderedCount} Add {!PreorderedBookCount}

In Update records: Preordered_Book_Count__c <= {!varUpdatePreorderedCount}

3. Flow to run only if a book order is made by a staff member entering information in the screen flow.

Remove decision element and in start : Imported__c Equals {!$GlobalConstant.False}

Challenge 3: Make updates to Create QA Task for Book Order flow

Make updates to the "Create QA Task for Book Order” flow according to the requirements.

1. QA team is assigned the tasks that the flow creates.

In Create records: OwnerId <= {!Get_Records_for_QA_Queue.Id}

2. Task is created for every 5th and 10th order.

In decision element: {!BookOrderName.Name} Ends With 0 OR {!BookOrderName.Name} Ends With 5

Congratulations! You have earned this badge. If you are still stuck somewhere in the challenge and need help, please leave a comment or contact us at: Reach us. You can click on "Reach Us" on the website and share the error you are stuck with.

Blog Credit:

Team Avenoir

Avenoir Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

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