Hey Trailblazer, we are here to guide you in earning the Security Specialist Superbadge. The first step to move ahead is clearing the User Authentication Specialist Superbadge. The Second step to move ahead is clearing the Access Governance Superbadge Unit. The third step to move ahead is clearing the User Access Specialist Superbadge. It consists of mini super-badges, the last being the User Access Troubleshooting Superbadge Unit. First, you must pass the Data Security module to achieve this badge. I will help you figure out each challenge and how to clear it.
This blog consists of three challenges of the User Access Troubleshooting Superbadge Unit includes
High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
Every challenge has an outcome and hints at how to achieve it. It also consists of solving this error, ”Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: We can't find the expected setting that prevents users with the 'Custom: Sales Profile' from deleting opportunity records.”, “Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: We can't find the expected update that prevents those in the customer service role from viewing the 'Hardware Sales' opportunity.”, “Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: We can't find the expected permission in the existing 'Sales' permission set.”, “Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: We can't find a task associated with the expected case and assigned to the expected user.”, “Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: We can't find that the expected list views were deleted.” and “Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: We can't find the expected status for Case xxxxxxxx. Make sure you've left ticket notes to describe the issue and action taken. “
Challenge 1: High Priority
Case Number 00001036
In 'Custom: Sales Profile', go to Object settings remove delete access for Opportunity and Save.
For the case, change the status to closed and add any statement or task explanation in the ticket notes.
Case Number 00001039
Go to the 'Hardware Sales' opportunity record. Check the Private checkbox.
For the case, change the status to closed and add any statement or task explanation in the ticket notes.
Challenge 2: Medium Priority
Case Number 00001038
Go to the 'Sales' permission set. Then go to Custom Permissions. Edit to move 'Field History Related List' from left to right.
For the case, change the status to closed and add any statement or task explanation in the ticket notes.
Case Number 00001034
Go to the 'Opportunity' page layout. Then go to the 'Next Step' field. Click on settings icon to uncheck the Read-Only checkbox.
For the case, change the status to closed and add any statement or task explanation in the ticket notes.
Challenge 3: Low Priority
Case Number 00001035
Create a task as given in the image below. Make sure to relate it with case.
For the case, change the status to closed and add any statement or task explanation in the ticket notes.
Case Number 00001037
Go to the 'Sales' permission set. Remove access to manage public list views.
Go to the Account object. Delete 3 list views which contain word test or testing by Cindy.
For the case, change the status to closed and add any statement or task explanation in the ticket notes.
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Blog Credit:
Team Avenoir
Avenoir Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Reach us: team@avenoir.ai

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